Our Free Services and how it works!

Our placement services are free to all who are seeking an adult assisted living home, adult care providers or independent living communities.
Our fees are paid to us by the care providers who are too busy focusing on what they do best… caring for their clients. They rely on us to screen and qualify potential residents for compatibility to their services and environment.

We - locate culturally compatible and services compatible Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Homes in your area, city, county, state or zip code.
We - compare the quality of care provided by each one of the homes, health inspection results, staff data, quality of facility, fire safety inspection results and history of unresolved complaints.
We - visit the homes that you are considering and, upon selection, you may visit the homes.
You - choose the Nursing Home or Assisted Living Home that meets your needs.
...Then We can take it from there!

The process of Our Free Services:

We meet in person ( at your most convenient time)
We discuss your loved ones health condition and needs
We discuss lifestyle and ADL's (activities of daily living)
We discuss how/what s/he likes
We discuss Her/His background
We consider ethnicity/culture and religion
We provide a selection of homes that meet your criteria
You decide which home will best satisfy your requirements
We negotiate services, amenities and a discounted package for you
We insure that your loved one is in a compatible and safe environment
Your peace of mind is important to us!

CONTACT US...Our Service to you is FREE!
Whether it's long term or short term, we make sure we can place your loved ones into an "AFFORDABLE" and wonderful home in which s/he will be comfortable and culturally compatible.

copyright © 2011 www.Alpsnational.com

FREE Senior Care Advice!


We are "Here" for you and your loved ones!

Assisted Living Placement Services
